Book review for the wedding killer by Michael Fowler.
@michaelfowler #saperebooks #theweddingkiller #netgalley My review. The wedding killer by Michael Fowler. Receive his invitation and...
@michaelfowler #saperebooks #theweddingkiller #netgalley My review. The wedding killer by Michael Fowler. Receive his invitation and...
@amandazook #authorcollective20 #annikasaurora #netgalley My review. Annika's aurora by Amanda Zook. Nighthawk search and rescue book 2....
@cyndifriberg #indepentlypublished #lunauprising #netgalley My review. Lunar uprising-Dracus by Cyndi Friberg. Luna uprising book 4. Can...
@carissaannlynch #thebacheloretteparty #harpercollinsukonemorechapter #netgalley My review. The Bachelorette Party by Carissa Ann Lynch....
@patriciaegitt #AthenaBookPublishing #whatshedidntknow #netgalley My review. What she didn't know by Patricia E Gitt. Sally Compton Scott...
@susanvankirk #deathinapalehue #LevelBestBooks #netgalley My review. Death in a Pale Hue by Susan Van Kirk. An Art Center Mystery. Who...
@sirarthurconandoyle @alexwoolf #Arcturus #thevalleyoffear #netgalley My review. The Valley of Fear by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Alex...
@gracehamilton #brokenworld #relaypublishing #netgalley My review. Broken World by Grace Hamilton. Book 1 of EMP Aftermath. No power. No...
@heidiperks #theotherguest #randomhouseukcornerstone #netgalley My review. The Other Guest by Heidi Perks. Laila and her husband arrive...
@quinnmarlowe #booksgosocial #herhero #netgalley My review. Her hero by Quinn Marlowe. Mafia Rogues: The Rossi Chapter Book 3. A...
@shannonfelton #brigidsgatepressllc #theprisonersofstewartville #netgalley My review. The Prisoners of Stewartville by Shannon Felton....
@judidaykin @jillburkinshaw #joffebooks #netgalley My review. An artful murder by Judi Daykin. Detective Sara Hirst has moved from London...
Book review for zoe hearty and the space invaders by TE Norris. @tenorris #booksgosocial #netgalley #zoeandspaceinvaders My review. Zoe...
Leslie North @marysuejackson #RelayPublishing #ranchersonenightstand #NetGalley My review. Rancher's one-night stand by Leslie North and...
@johnnicholl #thewife #bolgwoodbooks #netgalley #psychologicalthriller My review. The wife by John Nicholl. The David Galbraith Series...
@johnnicholl #BoldwoodBooks #thedoctor #netgalley #psychologicalthriller My review. The doctor by John Nicholl. The Galbraith Series Book...
@suestewart #banniebearrepeatsagrade #netgalley My review. Bannie bear repeats a grade by Sue Stewart. Lovingly crafted to...
@stephanieellia #BrigidsGatePressLLC #paused #netgalley My review. Paused by Stephanie Ellis. A terrifying pandemic sweeps the world,...
@sirarthurconandoyle @alexwoolf #arcturuspublishing #astudyinscarlet #NetGalley My review. A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle...
@sirarthurconandoyle @alexwoolf #arcturuspublishing #the speckledband #NetGalley My review. The Speckled Band by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle...