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Blog tour and book review for Entitled by Gill Merton.

@ZooloosBT @myepublishbook @clairemorley1508 


My review.

Entitled by Gill Merton. In 1971, Nan Douglas and her toddler twins arrive on the remote island of Inniscuiilin, long-lost family of the eccentric Miss Campbell. For fifteen years they all live quietlyup at the Big House, until the twins start planning their future – forcing Nan to confront their past… This was a good read. I loved Nan character. 4*.


In 1971, Nan Douglas and her toddler twins arrive on the remote island of Inniscuiilin, long-lost family of the eccentric Miss Campbell. For fifteen years they all live quietlyup at the Big House, until the twins start planning their future – forcing Nan to confront their past…

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