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Broken by Anna Legat blog tour and book review.


#Broken #SpellBoundBooks #ZooloosBookTours @ZooloosBT @SpellBoundBks @LegatWriter  

My review.

Broken by Anne Legatt. What if you lost the memory of who you are? What if you had to pick up the loose ends of life that wasn't yours? What if you had to fight somebody else's battles? What would YOU do ? A really good read. I loved the cover. Great story. 4*.


What if you lost the memory of who you are? What if you had to pick up the loose ends of life that wasn't yours? What if you had to fight somebody else's battles? What would YOU do ? Camilla’s life will never be the same after her beloved son Christopher is sent to prison . Father Joseph’s faith is sorely tested when a deranged psychopath uses the sanctity of the confessional to gloat about his most heinous crimes. Both Camilla and Joseph are paralysed by doubt and inaction. But then their lives collide...

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