Don't Play With Dead Vultures by Jack Leavers blog tour and book review.
@ZooloosBT @jackleavers @bookguild#DontPlayDeadWithVultures #ZooloosBookTours My review. Don't Play With Dead Vultures by Jack Leavers....
@ZooloosBT @jackleavers @bookguild#DontPlayDeadWithVultures #ZooloosBookTours My review. Don't Play With Dead Vultures by Jack Leavers....
@ZooloosBT #EmilyShiner @inkubatorbooks#TheCaretaker #ZooloosBookTours My review. The CareTaker by Emily Shiner. Newlyweds Amy and Tim...
#TheCoronation #JustinNewland #ZooloosBookTours@ZooloosBT @matadorbooks My review. The coronation by Justin Newland. It is 1761. Prussia...
#TheWivesofCrimsonAvenue #SpellBoundBooks #ZooloosBookTours @ZooloosBT @SpellBoundBks @The__SadieRyan My review. The wives of crimson...
@jillburkinshaw #Burielgrounds @billkitson
#BestFriendsForever #ZooloosBookTours @ZooloosBT @CathrynGrant @InkubatorBooks My review. Best friends forever by Catheryn Grant. Two...
@ZooloosBT @SpellBoundBks @MartinGeraght1 #Georgebunce #GeorgeBunceAndTheBlackWaveofFear #SpellBoundBooks #ZooloosBookTours My review....
#TheMercenary #ZooloosBookTours @ZooloosBT @JohannaMRae My review. The mercenary by Johanna M Rae. Therian Secrets Book 1. What if...
#Broken #SpellBoundBooks #ZooloosBookTours @ZooloosBT @SpellBoundBks @LegatWriter My review. Broken by Anne Legatt. What if you lost the...
@ZooloosBT @Harrison55 @BookGuild #Recursion #ZooloosBookTours My review. Recursion by David J. Harrison. During a disruption in the...
#Criminal Law #Terrorism #Law Enforcement Biographies #OperationGeorge #ZooloosBookTours @ZooloosBT @StephenBentley8 @HenryPub My review....
#TheWickhamMarketMurder #BloomfieldAndPalmer #ZooloosBookTours@ZooloosBT @IainMaitland @SharpeBooks My review. The Wickham Market Murder...
#BloodSentence #ZooloosBookTours@ZooloosBT @knntom @GladiusPress My review. Blood Sentence by Keith Nixon. Di Jonah Pennance book 1....
TheWomanWhoKnewFaces #ZooloosBookTours @ZooloosBT @JaneBadrock @QuestionPress My review. The woman who knew faces by Jane Badrock. Karen...
Available on Amazon: #WhiskeyDream #TarynRivers #WhiskeyFalls #AlphaHero #NewGirlInTown #ProtectorRomance...
@zooloobooktours #confessionsofahellicoptermummy @catherinebruton My review. Confessions of a Helicopter Mummy by Catherine Bruton....
#TheHauntingOfNoyoBay #ZooloosBookTours My review. The Haunting of Noyo Bay by L.B Stimson. When sixteen-year-old Charlotte Goolsby first...
@ZooloosBTÂ @myepublishbook @clairemorley1508 @gill_merton #Entitled #ZooloosBookTours My review. Entitled by Gill Merton. In 1971, Nan...
#425MadisonAve #UnexepectedLoveSeries #BoyfriendMaintence #FlawlessFoundations #UnexpectedExpectations #ContemporaryRomance ...
#theLakeTempletonMurders #ZooloosBookTours @ZooloosBT @HSBurneyAuthor My review. The Lake Templeton by H.S Burlney. A body washes up on...